The active management of the fund is undertaken by a Board of
Management which is made up of 8 elected Managers:
1) Four elected from the GDPC
2) Four elected from the Annual Conference of Local Dental Committees
and the following 3 ex-officio members:
* The Chairman of the GDPC
*The Chairman of the Annual Conference of LDCs
* The Chair-Elect of the Annual Conference of LDCs
The Trust Deed directs that all Board Managers shall be (GDC) Registered
Dental Practitioners.
There is no other specific qualifying requirement imposed on a Registered
Dental Practitioner who fulfils the position of Manager but given the role of
the BDG, a thorough understanding of general dental practice is desirable,
both in the NHS and in private practice (including specialist dentistry), as
the GDPC represents all dentists.